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>Full Moon Over The Enchanted Forest.

In Uncategorized on September 16, 2008 at 8:00 am


There was a visitor on my evening hike.

It stared me down like De Niro on a bender — “are you looking at me?”

I don’t know a lot about owls but this one wanted to be friends.

It had something it wanted to share.

Someday I’ll learn to talk owl.

>It Was A Classic.

In Uncategorized on September 16, 2008 at 7:57 am

>I was feeling optimistic about the Eagles chances this season.


They lost. To the Cowboys.

It was a shootout, back and forth. but. a loss is a loss.

Everytime I show a glimpse of caring about the Eagles.

My hopes are dashed.

Oh well.

>Classic Howdown Showdown!

In Uncategorized on September 15, 2008 at 8:41 pm

Cowboys, Eagles plan to seize NFL spotlight – NFL-

“This is like the Monday night game of the 2008 season,” Eagles’ guard Shawn Andrews said last week. “I can’t wait until after we get that ‘W’ to go home and watch it again. I’m going to act as if I was not at the game, and I’m going to watch it with my turkey burger and my chips and my water.”

Go Eagles!

>The Pope — Whooping It Up.

In Uncategorized on September 13, 2008 at 7:30 pm

:Pope Benedict XVI gestures to well-wishers as he arrives at the College des Bernardins in Paris to deliver a speech on faith and culture:

This Pope has been called a staunch “defender of traditional Catholic values.” I’ve always believed we create what we defend against.

Pope condemns love of money, power – The Vatican-

To sum up his talk — Love of money is the root of all evil. And. It’s time to stop creating “idols” and praying to them.

I take exception with the use of the word condemns. In any capacity.

As a leader of one of the largest faithful organizations in existence today, I think the Pope is missing the mark. He should be focusing on extending love, not condemnation to those who feel they need to find it in money and things.

Ciao bella!

>Country Music Favorites!

In Uncategorized on September 11, 2008 at 12:51 am

>What do you get when you put together two Martina’s and a Wynonna?

:There You Are – Martina McBride:

A whole lot of good times.

>What’s A Girl To Do?

In Uncategorized on September 10, 2008 at 6:23 pm

>Obama's woes have nothing to do with 'lipstick' – Decision '08-

The hysteria is palpable. The rush to fearful and divisive thinking is understandable, but not acceptable.

Democrats have not known who they are or how to govern. The party does not have the commitment to its own ideals.

At the end of the day billions of dollars will have been spent, piles of animosity will have been stirred, and deep wounds will have been peppered with salty festering nastiness, all in the hopes of “electing” a leader.

The lengthy campaign for the next president of these united states (and I’m using united sarcastically) has showcased everything we need to see.

I hold in my heart that the solutions to all our opportunities are within reach. And it is most certainly a much more pleasant space than the illusion that we are currently battling over.

Maureen Dowd, an op-ed columnist for the New York Times, claims Palin’s “explosion onto the scene made Obama seem even more like a windy, wispy egghead.”

As a collective, we are focusing on the wrong things, and through our disgust and mistrust, our focus on the weaknesses, what we are focusing on is expanding.


Our human-ness and humanity needs some exercise, it needs to go out for a long communal walk, in what’s left of nature, and when it comes back home, it needs to sing.

I haven’t “connected” with Obama. I haven’t felt like he is ready to lead.


Thoughtful. and. Intelligent.

will do.


It will do quite nicely.

>Viva La Energy Revolution!

In Uncategorized on September 7, 2008 at 9:06 pm

>A new book on the movement we need to support — Energy Technology — is out. And. It is a must read.

Pulitzer Prize Winner Thomas Friedman talks passionately on Meet The Press about his new book “Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution and How It Can Renew America.”

Check it out!

Green is the new red, white and blue….

>A Tree Grows On The West Coast.

In Uncategorized on September 7, 2008 at 8:05 am


>Nothing But Blue Skies.

In Uncategorized on September 7, 2008 at 2:37 am


>All for One.

In Uncategorized on September 5, 2008 at 8:30 pm

>Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno is a Latin phrase that means “One for all, all for one”

“Green is the new red, white and blue.”

Let’s pull the country together on things we can all agree on!